Yaktal Water Analysis:
Balance | Still |
Virginality | Superior |
Minerality | Medium |
Orientation | Alkaline |
Hardness | Hard |
Vintage | |
Carbonation | |
TDS | 259 mg/l |
ph factor | 8.3 |
Hardness | 157 mg/l |
Nitrate | < 0.5 mg/l |
Calcium | 49 mg/l |
Magnesium | 8 mg/l |
Sodium | 34 mg/l |
Potassium | 2 mg/l |
Silica | 8 mg/l |
Bicarbonate | 223 mg/l |
Sulfate | 1 mg/l |
Chloride | 22 mg/l |
Source: | Deep Well |
Location: | |
Country of Origin: | Chile |
Region: | Magallanes |
Place: | Patagonia |
Established: | 2014 |
Company: | |
Status: | Non-Member of the Fine Water Society |
Web Site: | |
phone: | |
email: | |
Social Media: |
Every twelve full moons, they were certain that the whales would come back, bringing along with them longer daylight and nature´s blooming. Upon the whales´ arrival to Patagonia, they performed a ceremonial chant that perfectly resembles this harmony: the Yaktal, a ritual and a feast were they celebrated the beginning of the pleasant weather season that the whales brought in.
As nomads, they could carry only the essential for their subsistence: easy mounting huts, basic tools and the appropriate apparel to endure the harsh climate. And they could always trust on something all along Patagonia: to enjoy pristine water wherever they settled on their nomad voyage. Bottled today,
Yaktal is the same water that the native Patagonians enjoyed many centuries ago.