Vilas del Turbón Water Analysis:
Balance | Still |
Virginality | Superior |
Minerality | Low |
Orientation | Alkaline |
Hardness | Hard |
Vintage | |
Carbonation | |
Temperature | 48.2°F (9.0°C) |
TDS | 139 mg/l |
ph factor | 8 |
Hardness | 129 mg/l |
Nitrate | 1 mg/l |
Calcium | 50 mg/l |
Magnesium | 1.3 mg/l |
Sodium | 0.6 mg/l |
Potassium | 1 mg/l |
Silica | 5 mg/l |
Bicarbonate | 150 mg/l |
Sulfate | 4 mg/l |
Chloride | 0.5 mg/l |
Source: | Spring |
Location: | |
Country of Origin: | Spain |
Region: | Huesca |
Place: | Las Vilas |
Established: | 1931 |
Company: | Aguas de Vilas del Turbón |
Status: | Discontinued |
Web Site: | |
phone: | |
email: | |
Social Media: |
The source is located in a valley stretching at the feet of Mount Turbón, in the North East of the Huesca province, in the village of Las Vilas, between the valleys of Esera and Isabena, some 1,975 m above sea level.
In 1908, Mr. Manuel Camo, a chemist and a neighbor of Huesca, perceived the great fame and name enjoyed by these waters in the area and was convinced of their therapeutically efficiency. So he began to write a report to declare them of public utility. Since then, the affluence of visitors started to increase and it also spread enormously the fame of the waters, past the local areas and starting to extend over the neighboring provinces. By 1932, a hotel was built and the access was improved, so automobiles could get there after a picturesque drive. It was finally declared as Mineral Medicinal water in 1958 (BOE Nº 120).
From the village to the spring was a four-hour journey along a rough mule track. Despite the dangers of the trip, all the peasants in the region were happy to defy the risks and discomfort in order to spend a few days near the spring.