Kiwaii Water Analysis:
Balance Still
Virginality Superior
Minerality Super Low
Orientation Neutral
Hardness Soft
Vintage 6,000 Years
TDS 116 mg/l
ph factor 7.2
Hardness 12.2 mg/l
Nitrate 0.56 mg/l
Calcium 2.4 mg/l
Magnesium 1.5 mg/l
Sodium 9.1 mg/l
Potassium 4.6 mg/l
Silica 75 mg/l
Chloride 5.8 mg/l
Source: Spring
Country of Origin: New Zealand
Region: North Island
Place: Blue Spring
Established: 2009
Status: Not a Member of the Fine Water Society
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Sourced from the Blue Spring, the water for Kiwaii (pronounced - Kee-WHY-ee) is from an ancient aquifer 250 meters beneath the forest in a protected natural preserve. The water has been filtered through layers of sand and volcanic pumice. Hydrogeologists estimate that it takes rain water falling on the surrounding mountain plateau anywhere from 100 to 6,000 years to reach the aquifer. There are no sources of potential contamination in the aquifer's recharge area and Kiwaii has a superior Virginality with a Nitrate level well below 1 mg/l.

The Blue Spring is protected and managed for sustainability and to insure there is zero impact on the environment. The spring is an abundant source of water averaging 9,240 gallons per minute. The Kiwaii bottle is certified free from Bisphenol-A (BPA), phthalates, and melamine; and no degradable additives are used in manufacturing.